It all begins with an idea.
Owner, laborer, craftsman. Born and raised on the crystal coast of North Carolina. I was drawn immediately towards the water and began my love of surfing, fishing and skateboarding from the influence and guidance of my older brother. My father taught us how to use my hands to make the things we could not afford to buy at a younger age. During shop class my freshman year of high school I built a skate ramp for myself and friends, but the teacher demanded that I sell it to him for his grandson. From there was natural progression into home construction. The year was 1993. Since then, I have traveled the states learning different techniques & styles from credited builders & architects. I moved to Cleveland, Ohio in the spring of 2007 in pursuit of a certain lady, now my wife, and entered the Bricklayers/Trowel Trades Union as a journeyman. I started Taylored Construction in the summer of 2009. I now live in Twinsburg, Ohio, with my wife Nicole, and our three beautiful daughters, Sophia, Giana, and Josie. I still love and do all things skateboarding, surfing (not as much in Ohio!) and fishing. I spend as much time as possible with my family while never ceasing to stop learning and growing in our companies craft as home builders, remodelers and renovators.
Know, that without the hard work of the men and women of this company, we would not be who we are today. Their commitment day in and day out have succeeded us to be able to do what we love to do for a living. We will never be perfect, but we will always strive to be one of the very best.